Education Verification Request Form

* indicates a required field


(As per NRIC)

(Please indicate student contact number for our verification)
(The same email address that the student will send the email consent from)

(e.g. Diploma in..., Bachelor of...)

(The email address we will be sending the verified education result to)
Kindly inform the student to send us a consent email in the next 2 working days, with supporting documents in the format belowRequired


Subject: Verification of education information

Content: Dear team, My name is (student/graduate name). I have permitted (company name) to verify my education information as attached in this email.

Attachments: Certificate(s) and Transcript(s)

We will process the verification request upon receiving the online form with all the required supporting documents and consent email. For further inquiries, please contact

This information you have provided will be treated with the strictest confidentiality and in accordance with the Kaplan Privacy Policy ( By signing this form, you give consent to our use of your information.